Engage Your People Through Wellness
Wellness at Work Program
Employers are required to protect the mental and physical health of their employees. This includes protection from harassment, violence, and bullying. Some employers have been held liable for exposing employees to unsafe work environments that have resulted in psychological harm.
Investing in workplace health and wellness makes good business sense. Attendees leave our workshops with the tools to deliver immediate impact where they work. Sensitivity Training Canada offers resources and expertise to build respectful workplaces with high-performing employees. Contact us today!
Workplace Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment Workshop
Areas Covered:
How to recognize workplace bullying.
What is not workplace bullying.
How to deal with situations when harassment, bullying, and incivility have occurred.
Tips for managers on how to detect, prevent, and limit the harmful effects of workplace bullying.
Role play of specific situations such as bottom-up, peer-to-peer, top-down, and intergenerational bullying.
Effective Communication at Work Workshop
areas covered:
How to communicate using a balanced, effective, tone and style.
Proven techniques for expressing ideas to direct reports, peers, and clients.
Strategies for improving workplace relationships at all levels.
How to diffuse conflict at work.
A proven model for eliminating blame and building trust at work.
Identifying barriers to effective listening.
Establishing tactics to strengthen listening skills.
Sensitivity Training for Workplace Restoration Workshop
This customized workshop is an effective way to address inappropriate workplace behaviours. We do this by taking immediate corrective action and minimizing disruption to your workforce. On an individual or group basis, we can provide Sensitivity Training to help employees and managers deal more skillfully with numerous issues. With your input, we will design sessions to address the facts of the particular situation.
Our Sensitivity Training sessions may take place at the workplace or offsite, depending upon the circumstances. We work with you to identify a neutral place at, or, in close proximity to the workplace. Where necessary we can also deliver Sensitivity Training real-time using technology. Our goal is to ensure that the training takes place in a respectful and professional environment where all attendees can feel safe.

Cultural Sensitivity Training Workshop
In this workshop participants learn the importance of managing differences, broadly defined, at all organizational levels. We cover how interpersonal discord affects the bottom-line; false assumptions and stereotyping can lead to unintentional biases; how valuing differences prevents workplace discrimination and harassment; cross-cultural communications; and approaches for resolving inter generational conflict.
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Indigenous Relations Workshop
This customizable skills-based workshop is designed to build awareness and deepen cross-cultural respect of all groups at work. Compliant with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, Section 57 and Section 92 (iii), this training is designed to strengthen participants’ intercultural competency and conflict resolution abilities.
It also provides training for respecting boundaries in the workplace, Human Rights as well as approaches for getting past stereotypes, biases, and inter generational conflict.
Workplace Mental Health Awareness Workshop
According to the Canadian Mental Health Commission, mental health-related disability is growing faster than any other type in Canadian workplaces. Stigma has a negative impact as it prevents discussion and treatment of underlying mental issues. This workshop helps attendees to become more aware of the mental health continuum. It also provides strategies for removing mental health-related stigma at work. Attendees gain specific techniques for supporting themselves and others so that everyone can win at work.
Workplace Anger Management Workshop
This workshop helps attendees become more effective at managing their language, emotions, and interactions when dealing with difficult situations in the workplace. Through a series of personal reflection exercises and dialogue with a live facilitator attendees learn productive ways to gain successful outcomes for themselves and their employers.
Participants gain techniques for diffusing conflict and aggression. This workshop is suitable for employees and managers at all organizational levels.

Anti-Sexual Violence and Anti-Harassment Workshop
The Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act requires that Sexual Harassment be treated as an Occupational Health and Safety issue in the workplace.
employers are now required to:
Provide employees with workplace Harassment training.
Develop and maintain a Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy and Workplace Anti-Harassment Program.
Establish a complaint mechanism for reporting complaints or incidents of workplace Harassment.
Establish an investigation procedure to deal with complaints or incidents pertaining to workplace Harassment.
Everyone benefits in a safe workplace. Train your employees. Develop a compliant Workplace Anti-Harassment Policy and Program that brings it to life!