Diversity: Tolerance, Acceptance and Beyond
Diversity has become a focal point for many organizations, but there is still a long way to go. Diversity must be integrated as an on-going part of a savvy business' overall strategy to meet the needs of its employees and customers. Companies that view Diversity as a business imperative typically employ those who represent a significant part of their customer base. These companies view Diversity as the optimal solution for sustaining competitiveness, rather than viewing it as a legal or a moral imperative. For such organizations the Cultural Sensitivity Training Workshop by Sensitivity Training Canada is a standard part of their annual ongoing training for employees at all organizational levels.
Organizations, generally, reside on a continuum that ranges from complete resistance to Diversity in all of its forms, through the mid-point where the need for implementing Diversity practices is acknowledged, concluding with the other extreme of the continuum where full pluralism is embraced in such a way that difference goes beyond being tolerated and accepted – to a point where it is deeply valued.
Leaders can do the following things to enhance the perceived value of personal, interpersonal, stylistic, national origin, ethnicity, race, gender, language, ability, sexual orientation, marital status and age difference within their organizations:
Communicate Diversity goals
Expand the frames of reference within the company by obtaining input pertaining to Diversity from a broad base of stakeholders. Use this input to formulate and communicate pertinent Diversity goals.
Assess the present state of Diversity within your company
This will provide a baseline for subsequent changes that occur. Discuss ways to move past stereotypes and prejudice. Managers and employees representing all disciplines and geographic areas of the company should be included in these discussions.
Identify ways to track organizational progress on Diversity benchmarks
Adopt Diversity best-practices being used by companies in your field or community.
The Sensitivity Training Canada Team